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Having Your Tree Cut Down? How To Prepare

Oct 03, 2022

While trees can beautify your home and improve privacy, they can also cause costly damage to your home's roof and floor if they grow too close. Trees or heavy branches can also fall on your house during storms, causing significant damage.

Therefore, if you have a tree growing too close to your home or showing signs of falling, call a tree removal company to cut it down safely. You can also remove a tree if it has an incurable disease that can spread to other nearby trees.

However, since tree removal is a risky job, you should prepare well to avoid accidents or property damage. Here are some ways to prepare for tree removal.

Find a Reputable Tree Removal Company

Since you may lack the skills and equipment required to fell a tree safely, look for a local company to do the job. You can ensure the success of the tree removal process by hiring a company with a good reputation.

Therefore, compare several companies by checking online reviews and customer comments and ensure that your chosen company has general liability and workers' compensation insurance.

Examine the Tree

Before cutting down the tree, examine its condition to know the steps forward. Evaluate aspects like the tree's length and width, the size of its branches, its age, its species, and if it is dead or decayed. If you don't examine the tree properly, issues like rot infestation can change a tree's felling direction, causing property damage.

Remember to call your utility services provider to disconnect nearby power lines and internet cables before felling the tree.

Lastly, get a permit if you need one and plan how to access the tree without damaging property if you must use heavy equipment.

Protect Your Property

The next step after evaluating the tree is to check the surroundings for anything that requires protection from damage. For example, if you have outdoor furniture and potted plants nearby, you can transfer them to a safer position to prevent damage.

To plan appropriately, ask your tree removal expert where they expect the tree to fall and the equipment they plan to use.

Make Room for Tree Removal

Since tree removal experts will come with machines like cranes and bucket trucks, you need a lot of space to facilitate the process. You also need space to haul the branches to the wood chipper and other activities.

If the tree removal service has to use your driveway, look for another parking space for your vehicles. For example, you can park your vehicles on the street or ask for a parking space at your neighbor's property.

Inform Your Neighbors

Since tree removal machines are noisy and you may park some heavy equipment on the street, inform your neighbors about the activity and specify the date and time. You should also ask your neighbors for permission to enter their property if the tree removal crew must access the tree from the neighbor's side.

Proper communication before tree removal prevents unnecessary conflicts that can halt your tree removal process.

Use Warning Signs

If you are felling a tree in a busy area, determine the felling direction and place warning signs to inform passersby of the risk. You can identify a tree's felling direction by checking the size and growth pattern of its branches and the direction of the wind.

Like any other crucial activity, tree removal requires proper prior preparation to prevent surprises. The information above should help you prepare your yard for hassle-free tree removal. Most tree-removal experts advise clients on what to do before their arrival, but you should also use your common sense.

At Cadieu Tree Experts, we have the skills, experience, and equipment required to offer excellent tree removal services. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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