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3 Autumn Tree Care Considerations

Oct 10, 2023

Autumn offers a variety of delights for many people, from the welcome transition away from summer heat to the gorgeous colors displayed by falling leaves. However, if you take pride in your property's trees, you have more than the colors of their leaves to think about, such as destructive weather changes, tree diseases, and pest infestations.

Once you know what kinds of threats your trees may face in the coming weeks, you can watch for trouble signs and take the necessary steps to ward off seasonal problems. Take a look at three important tree care issues to keep in mind this autumn.

1. Damage From Colder, Windier Weather

Your tree may not appreciate that cold, brisk feeling in the autumn air as much as you do. As temperatures drop, the water inside your trees can temporarily turn to ice, freezing and thawing repeatedly until the tree tissues die. Meanwhile, rising winds can weaken and break tree branches.

You can protect your trees from autumn freeze-thaw cycles by circling the bases of their trucks with a generous helping of mulch. To minimize wind damage, prune overly long or weak branches. If you expect a particularly windy weather event, ask your tree care team about installing stakes or other temporary structural supports.

2. Common Autumn Tree Pests

A variety of cool-weather pests can cause trouble for your trees in the autumn months. Common examples include fall webworms, orange-striped oakworms, and spider mites. Any of these creatures can damage your tree's foliage if you allow an infestation to grow too widespread or severe.

Fall webworms make their first appearance in late summer. In the fall months, they create webbed nests in pecan tree branches, consuming leaves as fuel for their eventual transformation into winged insects. This activity may not kill the tree, but it can cause serious defoliation and affect the number of pecans the tree can make.

Orange-striped oakworms resemble fall webworms in their seasonal activity and potential for damage. Orange-striped oakworms consume sap, resulting in leaf discoloration. If the local natural predators can't control an orange-striped oakworm infestation, you may need professional treatment techniques, such as leaf sprays, trunk injections, and soil injections.

Spider mites feast on tree sap, discoloring leaves in the process while also wrapping the foliage in thick webs. If local predators can't control a spider mite infestation, you may need to schedule professional tree treatment.

3. Fungal Disease Treatment and Prevention

Fungal diseases like powdery mildew often plague trees during the spring and fall, especially in damp conditions. You can recognize powdery mildew by its white, powdery appearance on leaves. Powdery mildew commonly infects oak, magnolia, lilac, dogwood, and maple trees, among others.

Although many trees can withstand an attack of powdery mildew, you may not like its disfiguring effects on tree leaves. However, home treatment methods, such as applications of baking soda, will only go so far. Professional antifungal treatment will yield better results if you feel that strongly about controlling the problem.

The easiest way to deal with powdery mildew in the autumn months involves year-round preventative strategies. For instance, you should plant new trees with plenty of space between them so air can circulate and reduce moisture levels. Dispose of infected branches instead of composting them into mulch for other trees.

Some diseases known to strike trees in the springtime benefit from preventative treatment in the fall. Fungal diseases are a prime example. If your trees have suffered from fungal issues every spring, schedule antifungal treatment in the fall so that you can put a stop to the problem before it starts.

Whether you need urgent help with an autumn tree issue or you'd like to put seasonal preventative care strategies into place, Cadieu Tree Experts can help. Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive tree care services and request a free estimate.

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